Tuesday, August 23, 2022

'H.I.S. -- 2G2TH'...

Women's Open Fastpitch Softball Team -- 'Hearts In Sync' of WMass...
 Locations TBD...

The team will operate with the ideas found in the blog heartsinsync12.blogspot.com -- including both posts -- the truth-seeking 'get to the heart of it all' 2nd post, as well as the 'get to the heart of hitting' 1st post...

This site is: heartsinsync3.blogspot.com

Additional info at: heartsinsync2.blogspot.com

Contact at: heartsinsync4@gmail.com

  Copyright 2014 Bill Bedard. All Rights Reserved.  

        This site is: heartsinsync3.blogspot.com

           Contact at: heartsinsync4@gmail.com

Copyright 2014 Bill Bedard. All Rights Reserved.